AP Exam Prep
Overview of AP CS A provides a high level view of the curriculum of the AP exam. Here is a map of how this curriculum will be reviewed during the first 5 weeks of this prep course.College Board also provides a more detailed description of the course content. There is an online book covering the learning objectives of the Comp Sci AP Exam (source: Runestone Academy) which is referenced throughout our curriculum below. In addition a more concise Java Review is currently available online but we believe it is to be retired at some point.
AP Prep Course Overview
The first 5 weeks of this program review the learning objectives of the AP Computer Science A curriculum. It is assumed that students are already somewhat familiar with these concepts from completed League levels, but we will seek to identify any areas of knowledge that may need some reinforcement.
Week 1: Primitives and Objects
Week 2: Standard Java classes and wrappers
Week 3: Inheritance and polymorphism
Week 4: Collections (array and ArrayList)
Week 5: Sorts, searches, and recursion
Practice Questions
During weeks 6 through 11 students will practice answering a variety of multiple-choice and written response questions, many of which are sourced from previous AP exams. We will also discuss test-taking strategies and the rubrics that are expected to be used to grade free response questions.